Russian Red Cross
Tracing and Information Center
Kuznetsky most, #18/7, Moscow, 107031 Ph. 621-71-75, Fax 623-45-80
July 28, 2007, #ZP 5081/47
Re: ISS-H-87778, 3/29/07
Dear Ms. May:
Based on our documentation about individuals who have been evacuated during the World War II
Mrs. Trugman Rose, daughter of Haim, born in 1888, Jew.
Before evacuation he used to live at address: Volachisk city, Kamyanizkaya County, Kuybisheva Street, #9
They have been evacuated on July 2, 1941 to the Sverdlov County, Kamishlov City where he lived at address: Kamishlov City, Komsomol’skaya Street, 3
Children younger than 16 years old living with them - none
This information corresponds to the registration card that had been completed on May 17, 1942.
Director Deputy seal Michailova