Moshko Shilman 1834 p 82

1834   month 28 Revisky Skaskiy - Volochisk Volhynia Province

Fond 118, Opis 14, file 267, p.81-82

Male Jew

Bourgeois (middle class)

                                                                last census                      this census

283 Moshko son of Abram Shilman                    3                                     21

     Moshko’s son   Eli-Nachman               newborn             (lists 3 but couldn’t be)

284 Lezor son of Abram (not related)               28                                    46

       Lezor’s son Berko                                      5                                    23

Revisky Documents p.82: Moshko Shilman Female 1834

Female Jew


283 Moshko son of Abram’s wife   Brana                                            21


                     daughter Reyzya- Enta                                                           1


284 Lezor son of Abram’s wife Zlata                                       40

           (not related)

       Berche son of Lezor’s wife   ?                                                    20


                     daughter   ?                                                                  3

                     daughhter ?                                                                   2


           Unknown person                                                                     15

Mowhko Shilman 1850 p 134

1850 October 23   Revisky Skaskiy -Volochisk, Volhynia Province

Fond 118, Opis 14, file 267, p. 134-135


Male Jew

Bourgeois (middle class)

                                                                           last census              this census

226 Moshko son of Abram Shilman                           21                            37


       Moshko sons #1 Eli-Nachman                             6                             22

                            #2 Shmuel                            newborn                           ?


227 Laizer son of Abram Roisis                                46          died 1848

                     (not related)


Moshko Shilman Females 1850 p 135

Female Jew


Borgeois (middle class)


226 Moshko’s wife Perla                                                        37


           Moshko’s daughters #1 Mantsa                                    15

                                           #2 Ides                                         10


           There is someone else listed, age 20


227 Laiizer’s wife (not related)

1834 Revisky document p.86: Ios Shilman

1834 October 23 Revisky Skaskiy - Volochisk Volhynia Province

Fond 118, Opis 14, file 267, p.86


Male Jew

                                                                last census                               this census

308 Ios son of Duvid Shilman                  50             Died 1818


309Inko son of Ovshier Geydel               40             Died 1831


310 Musin son of Leib Kalten                  62             Died 1828

Revisky Document p86: Ios Shilman 1850

1850 October 23 Revisky Skaskiy - Volochisk Volhynia Province

Fond 118, Opis 14, file 267, p.97


Male Jew

                                                                last census                               this census

87 Ios-Iogel son of Shmuel Shilman             62               Died 1837


     Ios_Iogel nephew Mordko Kelman       6 mos.         Died 1836


88 Azik Gershel son of Zos Philer               35                                         57


     Azik Gershel son     Zos                    newborn                                   16

Revisky Documents: Itsek-Gersh Shilman Males 1834

1834   date Revisky Skaskiy - Volochisk Volhynia Province

Fond 118, Opis 14, file 267, p.59-60


Male Jew

Bourgeois (middle class0

                                                                last census                               this census

117 Itsek-Gersh son of Iosil Shilman                  11                                       29


           Itsek-Gersh’s son Duvid-Leib         newborn                                        16

Revisky document p 60: Itsek-Gersh's wife 1834

Female Jew



177 Itsek-Gersh son of Iosil’s wife Ginda                                 30      


       Duvid-Leib son of Itsek’s wife Chana                                           13      


         Itsek-Gersh son of Iosil’s daughter Alta                                           10

                                                                Chana-Tovba                     4

                                                                Ruchlya-Ester                    1/2

Revisky documents p 110: Itsek-Gersh Shilman 1850

1850 October 23 Revisky Skaskiy - Volochisk Volhynia Province

Fond 118, Opis 14, file 267, p.110-111


Male Jew

Borgeois (middle class)

                                                                last census                               this census

141 Itzak-Gersh son of Zosim Shilman          29                                 45


       Itzek-Gersh son David-Leib                     16                                     32

Revisky Documents p.111: Itsek-Gersh Females 1850

Female Jew


141 Itzek-Gersh’s wife Golda                                                                       46


       Itzek-Gersh’s daughters #1 Menya                                                     15

                                              #2 Chaya-Nechama                                      14

                                              #3 Nachama                                                     12

                                              #4   Rivka                                                        10


         Duvid-Leib’s wife Ester                                                                        30


         Duvid-Leib’s daughters #1 Pesya                                                        4

                                             #2 Mindlya                                                      1

Shmuel Shilman 1834 p 4

1834 October 23 Revisky Skaskiy - Volochisk Volhynia Province

Fond 118, Opis 14, file 267, p.4-5


Male Jew

Sales person - 3rd level

                                                                last census                               this census

87 Shmuel son of Iosel Shilman              15                                       33


     Shmuel’s sons   #1 Srul-Ell                newborn                             17

     Shmuel’s           #2Labish-Yitzak           newborn                             15

Shmuel Shilman Females 1834

Female Jew


Salesperson’s wife                                                                            


1 Shmuel son of Iosil’s wife Perlya                                                     33

   Srul son of Shmuel’s wife Chana                                                   18

   Leib-Yitzak son of Chana’s wife Bluma                                 15

   Shmuel son of Iosil’s daughters #1 Chana-Etyl                          6

                                                     #2 Edlya                                             3

hmuel Shilman 1850 p67

1850 October 23 Revisky Skaskiy - Volochisk Volhynia Province

Fond 118, Opis 14, file 277, p.66-67


Male Jew

Sales person - 3rd level

                                                                last census                               this census

87 Shmuel son of Iosel Shilman              33                                         49


     Shmuel’s sons   #1 Srul-Ell                17                                           33

Srul’s sons    #1 Alter                                                               16

                     #2 Iosl                                                                4

     Shmuel’s 2nd son   Labish-Yitzak     15                                           31

     Shmuel’s adopted son Moishe-Luzer                                           15

(son of Naftuly; this is son of Shmuel’s wife Perla)                                                    

     Shmuel’s son     #3   Abram              8                                           24

          Abram-Geshel’s son Iosel                                                       4

     Shmuel’s son #4 Kelman                                                              19

Shmuel Shilman Females 1850 p 36

Female Jew


Salesperson’s wife                                                                            


1 Shmuel’s wife Perlya                                                                       49

   Srul’s wife Charna                                                                33

   Srul’s daughter’s #1 lita                                           8

                                           #2 Sirlya                                                  1

Leib-Yitzak’s wife Pessa                                                                   30

     Leib-Yitzak’s daughters #1 Chana-Shendel                              15

                                           #2 Sura                                                    5

                                           #3 Sirlya                                                  2

Abram-Geshel’s wife Elcha                                                              20

Kelman’s wife Braina                                                                       18